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Hire an Expert who has actually "Done it"


Whether you have a small amount of rail traffic per month, or a complex system of rail traffic management with large volumes and several rail sites, or something in between - we can help. When you trust us to take on your rail traffic flow and system management, you will work with a full service and dedicated account manager. We will take the guesswork out of dealing with the railroads and provide the following services:

- Railcar billing and releasing based on your instructions

- Daily communication on flows and opportunities with your operations department

- Real time service exception and planning

- Real time demurrage mitigation

- Rail rate negotiation

- Rail bill and switching reviews to ensure they are correct

- Other services at your request


When you choose us to be your outsourced rail traffic manager, we will dive deep into your company's processes and procedures to make recommendations on how to improve the overall flow of your operations in order to match it effectively with your rail service. Our recommendations will be data driven and based on our direct experience.  We have helped many companies develop new processes for loading and unloading products with very little impact to operations. These new processes not only reduced their demurrage and accessorial charges, but also increased their overall throughput by large percentages. 


After we have had a chance to thoroughly learn your company's operations, we will provide you with custom reporting, at a frequency you desire, that will give you a handle on your current rail traffic flows, possible traffic impacts, and projected demurrage charges, if any. This dashboard will give you a quick overview of the health of your inbound and outbound rail traffic pipeline, and will allow you to have better information to share with your customers on any impacts rail issues may have on their operations

“I’ve had the opportunity to work with Elliot for over 10 years in a variety of rail operating and sales roles as well as logistics and supply chain professional leadership roles at several large rail customers. Elliot has a unique set of skills and expertise in rail, trucking, pipeline and transloading operations and logistics combined with financial savvy in trading, project planning and industrial development. Elliot would  clearly be an asset in a variety of operating, business development and strategic roles.” 

- Dave Garin, Retired Group Vice President - BNSF Railway








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