Hire an Expert who has actually "Done it"
Over the past several years, we have traded billions of dollars of physical crude oil transactions. When looking for a company to represent your produced barrels, or to help trade your bulk book, look no further than the company that has the experience and follow through to get the job done. As oil production in the US increases, producers and oil marketers will face an uphill battle with logistical constraints. Let us help you market your barrels, capture transportation arbitrages, and strive for the best netback/arb possible. The basins where we have a history operating include the Bakken/Williston Basin, the Powder River Basin, the DJ Basin, the Uinta basin, and the Permian Basin. We work with companies in some or all of these basins today and take our current customer relationships seriously. If your specific goal or opportunity conflicts with another opportunity we are already working on, we will be upfront and let you know if we are unable to work with you.
When it comes to transporting crude by truck, rail, or pipeline, or terminal/tank farm storage, we can evaluate and present options that will provide you with the best netback. We have facilitated the movement of millions of barrels of oil throughout North America successfully and have the insight and knowledge you need in order to make an informed decision when deciding your crude oil transportation options. We are experienced in all of the basins mentioned above, but our most intimate knowledge is of the logistical nuances of the Bakken as we have been involved there since 2008.
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